Women in their Element

Tuesday 11 February 2020, Knowledge Centre, British Library, 13.00 to 17.00

SHAC is supporting a British Library and World Scientific Publishing Company Event, Women in their Element, which is part of the WISE Festival, celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

The co-editors and contributors of the recently published Women in Their Element provide a fresh perspective on the unsung contributors to science in this half-day seminar on women and the Periodic Table.

Published in the International Year of the Periodic Table, 2019, Women in their Element offers an original viewpoint on the history of the Periodic Table: a collective volume with short illustrated papers on women and their contributions to the building and the understanding of the periodic table and of the elements themselves. Edited by Annette Lykknes and Brigitte Van Tiggelen, this book will help make historical women chemists more visible, as well as shed light on the multifaceted character of the work on the chemical elements and their periodic relationships.

For further details and information on how to book a British Library event please visit the British Library website here.