The 2024 Morris Award goes to Carsten Reinhardt

The Society for the History of Chemistry wishes to announce that the Morris Award for 2024 has been given to Carsten Reinhardt for his outstanding work on the recent history of chemistry and the history of the chemical industry. He has been an innovator and a leader in the history of modern chemistry and chemical industry from the beginning of his career, exploring the instrumental, theoretical, commercial, industrial, and regulatory dimensions of the field that we call chemistry, while emphasizing the frequent “disappearance” of “chemistry” into other fields, such as molecular biology, materials science, nanotechnology, or environmental science. He has a gift for collaboration and cooperation that has greatly benefitted studies in the history of chemistry and chemical technology.  

Carsten Reinhardt took his PhD on chemical research at BASF and Hoechst between 1863 and 1914 at the Technical University of Berlin in 1996. He became Professor for Historical Studies of Science, University of Bielefeld in 2007 and between 2013 and 2016, Reinhardt was President and CEO, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, USA (now the Science History Institute). From 2017 until 2021, he was the President of the Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin und der Technik (GWMT) and is a co-editor of the Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie.  

The Morris Award honours the memory of John and Martha Morris, the late parents of Peter Morris, the former editor of Ambix and recognises scholarly achievement in the History of Modern Chemistry (post-1945) or the History of the Chemical Industry. The recipient of the award gives the Morris Award Lecture at an appropriate meeting and this is usually published in Ambix. Previous holders of the award are Ray Stokes (2009), Mary Jo Nye (2012), Anthony Travis (2015), Yasu Furukawa (2018) and Ernst Homburg (2021).   With Best Wishes   Frank James