The Summer 2024 Issue of Chemical Intelligence is online!

Please find SHAC’s latest edition of Chemical Intelligence where you will find information of upcoming conferences and details of the latest research funded by SHAC grants among other information of interest to members here:

Also please note the Society’s AGM minutes are now online

Winter 2023 issue of Chemical Intelligence and Awards

The winter 2023 issue of Chemical Intelligence, edited by Karoliina Pukkinen, is now available online for members to enjoy:

It introduces our new webmaster, Sarah Lang, and new postgraduate representative, Josh Werrett. There are details of the new FOHCS mentoring scheme, obituaries of Trevor Levere, Piyo Rattansi and Peter Spargo, and other SHAC news and reports.

A couple of quick reminders:

28 February 2023 is the closing date for the ICHC Special Award Scheme:

1 March 2023 is the opening date for the SHAC 2023 Award Scheme:

Application forms for both schemes are available from and further details are available in Chemical Intelligence.