Spring Meeting 2016: High Pressure in the Interwar Period (11 February 2016)

Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry: Spring Meeting 2016

To be followed by the Morris Award lecture and reception


Thursday, 11 February 2016

Location: Dana Research Centre and Library, 165 Queens Gate, London SW7 5HD

(10 minutes’ walk from South Kensington or Gloucester Road underground stations)

NB: the new research centre is part of the Science Museum, but can only be accessed from Queens Gate, not the main museum entrance. It is just beyond the Natural History Museum’s Darwin Centre.

13.00     Registration and coffee (lunch is not provided)

13.25     Peter Reed, “The Hesitant Emergence of Chemical Engineering and the Chemical Engineer in Britain, 1909–1930”

13.55     Thijs Michels, “Antonius Michels, His High Pressure Research and the Origins of Polyethylene”

14.25     Robert Bud, “Oiling the Wheels of Coal: High Pressure and the Benefits of Science”

14:55     Tea

15.15     Alan Dronsfield, “The Ammonia Problem and its Solution”

15.45     Peter Morris, “A Different Kind of High Pressure Chemistry: The Birth of Reppe Chemistry”

16.15     Ernst Homburg, “From Bergius to Dubbs: Unexpected Links between Coal and Oil”

16.45     Presentation of the Morris Award to Tony Travis

17.00     The Morris Award Lecture, by Tony Travis: “Nitrogen Capture: The Emergence of a Global Industry, 1920-1935”

18.00 – 19.00     Morris Award Reception (at no extra cost)

The registration fee for the meeting is £10 for SHAC members and RSC HG members. Others are welcome at £15.

To participate:

Either complete and return this form, along with a cheque drawn on a UK bank for £10 or £15 as appropriate payable to “Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry”, to Dr Michael Jewess, SHAC Treasurer, The Long Barn, Townsend, Harwell, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DX, UK.

Or (suitable for those not having a UK bank account) make a PayPal payment for £10 or £15 as appropriate to the account “treasurer@ambix.org” (quotation marks are not part of the account name) and then send this form, completed, by e-mail to treasurer@ambix.org. (For this, you will have to create your own PayPal account if you do not already have one.)