SHAC Award Scheme 2020 Recipients

The SHAC Award Scheme for 2020 funded seven applicants.

Six Research Awards were made.

Georgiana Hedesan, Independent Scholar, research trip to the University of Glasgow to explore Alchemy in Antonio Neri’s manuscript Il Tesoro del Mondo (1598-1600).

Joris Mercelis, John Hopkins University, research trip to Rochester New York to study written and visual sources in the Kodak Historical Collection.

Luis Moreno-Martinez, University of Valencia, research trips for “A transnational approach to chemistry pedagogy through the biography of Antonio García-Banús (1888-1955).”

Silvia Perez Criado, PhD Student, University of Valencia, archival research for dissertation “DDT during Franco’s regime in Spain (1939-1977).”

Zoe Screti, PhD Student, University of Birmingham, archival research trip for dissertation “The Impact of the Reformation on the study of alchemy in Early Modern England.”

Robert Van Den Berg, Independent Scholar, image reproduction costs for biography of the Dutch Physical Chemist, J.H. van’t Hoff.

In addition, one Subject Development Award for conferences or the like was approved as follows: 

Peter Forshaw, University of Amsterdam, workshop on Rosicrucian and Masonic Alchemy.