SHAC Autumn Meeting, Saturday 12 November 2016: Call for Papers

Brighten up an autumn day by presenting your work at the RI!

The autumn SHAC meeting for 2016 is being arranged for Saturday 12 November at the Royal Institution, London. The meeting will not address any particular theme but will consist of a succession of papers on topics appropriate to the Society’s interests.

Those wishing to present papers should please contact the organiser of the meeting, Dr Robert Anderson (e-mail: rgwa2 [AT] by 31 July 2016 at the latest.  A brief summary of what you want to cover will suffice at this stage.  Presenters will then be informed of the time they have.  If the last meeting of this type (in spring 2015 in Cambridge) is any guide, it is possible that there will be 10 presentations each of 20-25 minutes’ duration (including questions);  but the final programme will of course depend on the submissions received.