Ambix Editorial Board

Prof. Bruce Moran (University of Nevada at Reno, USA)

Associate Editor
Prof. Peter J. Ramberg (Truman State University)
Dr. Viviane Quirke (Oxford Brookes University)

Book Reviews Editor
Dr. Tillmann Taape (Columbia University)

Editorial Advisory Board
Prof. Alan Rocke (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA)
Dr Robert G. W. Anderson (Clare Hall, Cambridge UK)
Prof. Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (University of Paris X, Paris, France)
Prof. William H. Brock (Eastbourne, UK)
Dr Kevin Chang (Academica Sinica, Taiwan)
Prof. Antonio Clericuzio (University of Cassino, Italy)
Dr Stephen Clucas (Birkbeck, University of London, UK)
Dr Peter J. Forshaw (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Dr Yasu Furukawa (Kawasaki, Japan)
Dr Anna Goldfarb (São Paulo, Brazil)
Dr Clare Griffin (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Prof. Ernst Homburg (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Prof. Frank James (The Royal Institution of London, UK)
Dr Didier Kahn (CNRS, Paris, France)
Prof. Ursula Klein (MPIWG, Berlin, Germany)
Dr Matteo Martelli (Humboldt- Universität, Berlin, Germany)
Prof. Christoph Meinel (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Dr David Miller (Sydney, Australia)
Dr Peter J.T. Morris (London, UK)
Prof. William R. Newman (Indiana University)
Prof. Tara Nummedal (Brown University, Providence, USA)
Prof. Mary Jo Nye (Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA)
Dr Leigh Penman (Queensland, Australia)
Prof. Michela Pereira (SISMEL, Florence, Italy)
Prof. Lawrence M. Principe (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)
Dr Jennifer M. Rampling (Princeton University, USA)
Prof. Carsten Reinhardt (Bielefeld University, Germany)
Dr Dagmar Schäfer (Berlin, Germany)
Dr Anna Simmons (UCL, UK)
Prof. Anthony Travis (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Dr Simon Werrett (UCL, UK)

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