The Graduate Network

SHAC’s Graduate Network aims to stimulate research into the history of alchemy and chemistry worldwide by providing research training, grants and networking opportunities for postgraduate students and early career researchers working in these fields.

The Graduate Network is chaired by the Student Representative of SHAC. The Student Representative can be reached via studentrep [AT]

Student membership of SHAC offers the following benefits:

1. Eligibility to apply for Research Awards. This award is meant for postgraduates and early career researchers to cover the cost of a research project. Postgraduate students are also eligible to apply to the same scheme for the costs of travel to and accommodation at conferences where they are giving a paper.

2. The SHAC Annual Postgraduate Workshop

This SHAC Workshop is a successful series that brings together postgraduate students and early career researchers to attend presentations and discuss subjects related to alchemy and chemistry. The workshop is free of charge for current postgraduate students and accepted speakers. There are also travel bursaries being offered for the trip to the conference.


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