[Archived] Programme/Call for Registrations: Geographies of Alchemy and Chemistry (5th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop)

Programme | Geographies of Alchemy and Chemistry
5th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop (October 24, 2014)

Venue: University of Amsterdam, Bungehuis 1.01, Spuistraat 210,1012VT Amsterdam

Information on keynote speakers and abstracts will be made available soon. A PDF of the programme, now including abstracts and short biographies on keynote speakers, may be downloaded here.


09:30 Registration
10:00 Introductions
10:15 Session 1
Carmen Simioli (Napoli), ‘Mercurial Alchemy in Tibet: The Transmission of an Indian Alchemical Practice to Tibet and Its Elaboration in the Zur Medical Lineage’
Tillmann Taape (Cambridge), ‘A Geography of Distillation around Strasbourg, c. 1500’
Ruben E. Verwaal (Groningen), ‘Crossing Bodily and Disciplinary Boundaries:
Chymistry of Urine in Leiden, c. 1700’
11:45 Break
12:00 Keynote: Geographies of Alchemy
Dr Peter J. Forshaw (Amsterdam), ‘Transmissions and Transmutations of Alchemical Texts’
13:00 Lunch Break
14:15 Session 2
Charlotte A. Abney (Yale), ‘Networks of Chemistry: The Discovery of Cerium in Gustavian Sweden’
Dr Axel Petit (Nantes), ‘The Circulation of Ions in Europe in the 19th Century’
Carolyn Cobbold (Cambridge), ‘Controlling Chemical Dyes in Food:
International and Institutional Comparisons’
15:45 Break
16:00 Keynote: Geographies of Chemistry
Prof. Dr Lissa Roberts (Twente), ‘Amsterdam and the World in the Eighteenth Century’
17:00 Roundtable Discussion
Chair: Dr Georgiana Hedesan (Oxford)
17:45 End


Registration: The workshop, including refreshments, is free but the number of participants is limited.
Please register until October 1 by emailing Judith Mawer (Exeter), studentrepuk@ambix.org.

Travel Bursaries: Small contributions towards travel expenses are available for a limited number of participants.
Please contact Mike A. Zuber (Amsterdam), studentrepint@ambix.org.


The SHAC Graduate Network gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our external sponsors:

Amsterdam School for Culture and History (UvA) and History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (UvA)