Upcoming History of Alchemy Events in Oxford

Dear colleagues,

Please find below two announcements related to the history of alchemy:

  1. Talk by Prof Jennifer M. Rampling at the Oxford Seminars in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology

Monday 24 April 2023, 4pm-5:15pm,
Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road, Oxford OX2 6SE

(walk-in, no registration required)

Fantasy or experiment? Reading alchemical imagery in early modern England

Alchemy is famous for its spectacular, allegorical images, in which chemical substances and processes are frequently depicted as human and animal figures, from battling dragons to the famous “chemical wedding.” But can this imagery tell us anything about how chemical processes were actually practiced and understood – and how can we tell the difference between experimental information and fantastical speculation? This talk will trace how practitioners in medieval and early modern Europe – especially in England – manipulated visual imagery in order to signal their place within ancient genealogies of knowledge, while also advertising new practical developments. Drawing on my own attempts to reconstruct historical experiments in a modern laboratory, I ask how these practitioners used images to promote alchemical projects to readers and patrons, even as they struggled with the dual challenge of reproducing accurate images on the page, and authentic chemical effects in the laboratory. 

  1. Oxford Seminars in the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (Oxford Trinity Term 2023)

The Oxford Seminar in the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, which has been organised at the Maison Française d’Oxford (2-10 Norham Road, Oxford OX2 6SE) for more than a decade, is now back to in person meetings during Oxford’s Trinity term (May-June 2023). The event is co-organised by Jo Hedesan and John Christie, and can be attended by anyone who wishes to without prior registration. The meetings are scheduled between 3 and 5pm on the following Wednesdays:

3 May – Medieval Islamic Alchemy and its Influence

  • Chair: Jennifer M. Rampling (Princeton)
  • Salam Rassi (Edinburgh) – ‘Alchemy and Religious Authority in the Islamic World: The Case of Ibn Umayl (fl. c. 912)’
  • Tom Fischer (EPHE Paris) – ‘New Perspectives on the Transmission and Influence of Senior Zadith’s Tabula chemica’ 

17 May – Vintage Analogies in Medieval and Early Modern Medical Alchemy

  • Chair: Rob Iliffe (Oxford)
  • Mark Thakkar (St Andrews): ‘Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel? Medieval Sermons as a Source for the History of Fermentation’
  • Carmen Schmechel (FU Berlin): ‘The “Wine Stone”: Tartar as a Cause of Disease in Paracelsus and Joseph Duchesne’

24 May – Religion and Medicine in Early Modern Alchemy

  • Chair: Jo Hedesan (Oxford)
  • Zoe Screti (Oxford): ‘“This Parallisme Shews”: Comparing Alchemy and Religion in a Sixteenth-Century Alchemical Treatise’
  • Elisabeth Moreau (Cambridge): ‘Galenic and Paracelsian Methods of Healing in Daniel Sennert’s Chymical Medicine (1619)’

31 May – Chemical Careers in New Contexts, 1760-1860

  • Chair: John Christie (Oxford)
  • Robert Fox (Oxford): ‘Thomas Garnett. Science, medicine, mobility in eighteenth-century England’
  • Frank James and Anna Simmons (UCL): ‘The Disappearing Act of William Thomas Brande: How History of Science Marginalises Some but not Others’

14 June – What’s in a Substance? Making Identity and Purity in Modern Chemistry

  • Chair: John Christie (Oxford)
  • Catherine Jackson (Oxford): ‘Solving the Synthesis Paradox: Making Purity and Identity’
  • Marabel Riesmeier (Cambridge): ‘Individuating Chemicals: Substantial Shifts in the 20th Century’

On behalf of the organizer,

Georgiana Hedesan 

One month left to apply for SHAC Awards 2023!

Grants of up to £1000 are available for research into the history of chemistry or the history of alchemy by both new and independent scholars and also support for Subject Development of either history of chemistry or history of alchemy.

Further details: https://www.ambix.org/grants/ 

Applicants must be members of the Society in good standing at the time of making an application, and, if successful, throughout the period of an award. For more information and application forms, please contact grants@ambix.org. Membership enquiries should be made to newjoiner@ambix.orgIf you want to apply, please make contact soon to obtain the forms and ensure your application is submitted by 31 May 2023 deadline.

Sent on behalf of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry by

Dr Anna Simmons

Armel Cornu wins the 2023 Partington Prize

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Partington Prize is Dr Armel Cornu of the Science History Institute for her entry “Senses and utility in the New Chemistry.”

Armel Cornu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Science History Institute in Philadelphia. She majored in chemistry and history before graduating with a masters degree in the history of science at Université Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris. She obtained her doctorate at the University of Uppsala in 2022 with a dissertation centring on the market, regulation, and science of mineral waters in eighteenth-century France. Her research is characterised by a social and economic approach to the development of chemistry throughout the Enlightenment. She currently works on the uses of sensorial impressions in the practice and perception of eighteenth-century chemistry.

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry established the Partington Prize in memory of Professor James Riddick Partington, the Society’s first Chairman. It is awarded every three years for an original and unpublished essay on any aspect of the history of alchemy or chemistry. The prize-winning article will appear in the Society’s journal, Ambix, in due course.


Applications are now open for the SHAC Award Scheme 2023, with a closing date of 31 May 2023.

SHAC offers two types of award up to a maximum value of £1000: support for research into the history of chemistry or history of alchemy by both new and independent scholars and support for Subject Development of either history of chemistry or history of alchemy. It is expected that applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application by 31 July 2023. The Awards are most suitable for activities planned to be undertaken during the academic year October 2023–September 2024. To apply please request a form from grants@ambix.org . Applicants must be members of the Society in good standing at the time of making an application, and, if successful, throughout the period of an award.

For further details see: https://www.ambix.org/grants/

With best wishes,

Chris Campbell

Honorary Secretary


Next online seminar: British 2nd WW Nerve Agent Research

The next on-line seminar of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry will be given by Dr Alison McManus (Johns Hopkins University) who will present  

“A Compound of Considerable Interest”: British Nerve Agent Research during the Second World War   

This will be live on Thursday, 23 March 2023, beginning at 5.00pm GMT (6.00pm CET, 1pm ET, 10.00am PT). The format will be a talk of 20-30 minutes, followed by a moderated discussion of half an hour.  

As with recent seminars the Zoom link can be freely accessed by anyone, member of SHAC or not, by booking through the following Eventbrite link: 


Alternatively, the seminar can be accessed live on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/aexu17ziSVA.

Most previous on-line seminars can be found on the SHAC YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/SocietyforHistoryofAlchemyandChemistry

“A Compound of Considerable Interest”: British Nerve Agent Research during the Second World War   

Alison McManus  

During the Second World War, British chemists nearly developed organophosphate nerve agents to rival the rumoured German superweapons that we now know as tabun, sarin, and soman. They did so under the aegis of the Chemical Defence Experimental Station (CDES) at Porton Down, which issued research contracts to the Chemistry and Physiological Laboratories at the University of Cambridge. In this talk, I reconstruct the chemical screening programs that took place within these laboratories, highlighting acts of intelligence gathering, the interpretation of evidence, and iterative experimentation (some of which drew from parallel work across the Atlantic). As a result of these extensive surveys, chemists and physiologists identified compounds with striking structural similarities to the German nerve agents but which never approached their degree of toxicity. In conclusion, I offer institutional, economic, and epistemological explanations for this infamous “near miss” in military history. 

Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Award Scheme 2023

Opening date: 1 March 2023

Closing date for applications: 31 May 2023

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry invites applications for its Award Scheme for 2023. SHAC offers two types of award: support for research into the history of chemistry or history of alchemy by both new and independent scholars and support for Subject Development of either history of chemistry or history of alchemy. It is expected that applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application by 31 July 2023. The Awards are most suitable for activities planned to be undertaken during the academic year October 2023–September 2024. However, there will be a two-year window for completion due to ongoing uncertainty over plans for future research projects, conferences, workshops etc.

Research Awards are open to post-graduate students (both masters and doctoral students), those who have obtained a PhD since 1 January 2013 and also to independent scholars. Given that the circumstances of independent scholars differ we are letting members ‘self-define’ and if there are any unclear cases it will be left to the discretion of the Awards Panel.

Awards of up to £1000 will be made to cover research expenses, including travel, accommodation, subsistence (at the discretion of the award panel), the reproduction of documents, and library fees. Applications may also include the costs of reproducing images for publication. The Scheme does not fund the purchase of equipment or course fees. It does not cover the costs of Open Access publication.

In addition, those who have obtained a PhD since 1 January 2013 and independent scholars may apply for the costs of travel to conferences and accommodation, but only in order to give a paper. The Scheme does not pay conference registration fees.

Subject Development Awards of up to £1000 may be made to support activities such as seminars, workshops, colloquia, lecture series, conference sessions, conferences, exhibitions and outreach activities that support either the history of chemistry or history of alchemy as academic subjects. The Awards do not cover the costs of refreshments or catering for these events. The Scheme does not cover the costs of Open Access publication.

Please note that activities covered by the Awards do not have to occur in the UK, and that the Awards are open to members of the Society resident both in the UK and elsewhere. Members who have applied to the Scheme in previous years, whether successfully or not, are entitled to make an application in 2023. Members are only permitted to make one application to each annual Award Scheme (not including the SHAC Special ICHC13 Award Scheme which closed on 28.02.2023).

Applicants must be members of the Society in good standing at the time of making an application, and, if successful, throughout the period of an award. For more information and application forms, please contact grants@ambix.org. Membership enquiries should be made to newjoiner@ambix.org.

An activity report must be submitted at the end of the Award. This will usually be published in SHAC’s Chemical Intelligence newsletter.

Winter 2023 issue of Chemical Intelligence and Awards

The winter 2023 issue of Chemical Intelligence, edited by Karoliina Pukkinen, is now available online for members to enjoy:


It introduces our new webmaster, Sarah Lang, and new postgraduate representative, Josh Werrett. There are details of the new FOHCS mentoring scheme, obituaries of Trevor Levere, Piyo Rattansi and Peter Spargo, and other SHAC news and reports.

A couple of quick reminders:

28 February 2023 is the closing date for the ICHC Special Award Scheme:


1 March 2023 is the opening date for the SHAC 2023 Award Scheme:


Application forms for both schemes are available from grants@ambix.org and further details are available in Chemical Intelligence.

History Lab Plus 2023 Event for PhDs: Community and Collaboration

Are you in the latter stages of your PhD or post PhD?

Does/did that PhD involve historical research?

Then scroll no further!

To mark the relaunch of History Lab Plus you are warmly invited to attend History Lab Plus 2023: Community and Collaboration on 13 January 2023.

History Lab Plus is a national network, affiliated with the Institute of Historical Research (IHR), that supports early-career historians working within and outside of academia. History Lab Plus’s committee works with the IHR, learned societies, academics, and professionals across multiple sectors to provide members with tailored support including training and networking opportunities, resources, and a programme of events showcasing recent historical research and projects.

At ‘Community and Collaboration’, you will…

  • discover more about History Lab Plus and what we have lined up for our members in 2023
  • hear about early-career researchers’ ongoing research and projects
  • receive tips and advice about career development (including publishing and fostering external partnerships)
  • meet with and discuss the opportunities and hurdles faced by fellow early-career historians
  • shape the future of History Lab Plus

Speakers include: Claire Langhamer (Director of IHR), Catherine Clarke (Director of Centre for the History of People, Place and Community, IHR), Clare Stainthorp (Leverhulme Early-Career Fellow, Queen Mary), Elizabeth Howard (Commissioning Editor, Peter Lang), and members of the History Lab Plus Committee.

To find out more and book your place visit History Lab Plus 2023: Community and Collaboration information and booking form to reserve your place today!

To become a member of History Lab Plus, simply drop Sarah Holland (sarah.holland@nottingham.ac.uk) an email. To find out more, follow us on Twitter @historylabplus.