[Archived] Call for Registration: 4th Postgraduate Workshop on the History of Alchemy and Chemistry

Call for Registration:
4th Postgraduate Workshop on the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Context’
Keynes Library, Birkbeck College
Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX
Saturday 26 October 2013

Every year the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) runs an international workshop for graduate students and early career scholars working on the history and philosophy of alchemy and chemistry. The theme for the 2013 Workshop is ‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Context’. This interdisciplinary event will explore the interaction between chemical knowledge and the wider social, economic, religious and cultural context, across a range of historical periods – from medieval alchemy to the chemical industry.

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[Archived] Chemistry and its Books, Nov. 2013

Autumn 2013: ‘Chemistry and its Books’
9 November, London

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry and the Bolton Society (of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia) will hold a joint meeting in London on Saturday 9 November 2013. The Bolton Society will have further meetings in Cambridge (on 11 November) and Oxford (on 12 November), and SHAC members are most welcome to participate in these.

The Bolton Society is named after Henry Carrington Bolton (1843-1903), chemist, historian and bibliophile who documented books published over the period 1492-1892 and published his Select Bibliography of Chemistry in 1893 (reprinted 2005).

Please fill out the Bolton Registration form and send it to Anna Marie Roos (aroos AT lincoln.ac.uk).

For more information, see the Annual General Meeting Agenda and the Bolton Timetable.

Register for the AGM (SHAC Member):[wp_cart:SHAC Members’ Registration for the Annual General Meeting:price:15.00:end]

Register for the AGM (Non-Member):[wp_cart:SHAC Members’ Registration for the Annual General Meeting:price:20.00:end]

Register for the AGM (Student):[wp_cart:SHAC Members’ Registration for the Annual General Meeting:price:10.00:end]

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[Archived] SHAC Student Representative: Call for Nominations

The deadline for the position of SHAC Student Representative has been extended until 30 September. SHAC are seeking nominations from anyone who is enrolled on or starting a PhD course and has research interests related to the history of alchemy and/or chemistry.

This is a great opportunity to support your field, develop your own research, and work alongside scholars at all career stages. Although the nominee does not have to be a member of SHAC at present, they will be expected to join if appointed to the position. All nominations and attachments should be submitted by 31 August 2013.

If you would like to stand for this position, please write to studentrep [at] ambix.org attaching a copy of your CV, with a cover statement explaining why the role interests you, and what you feel you could bring to Council. Please include details of your doctoral project and institutional affiliation, and any past experience of organising or participating in conferences, workshops, and seminars. If you wish to nominate another person (perhaps one of your own students), please forward their CV and your supporting statement to the email above, and also encourage your candidate to forward a statement of interest.

[Archived] “Strange Ice”: A Very Special Demonstration and Lecture (July 23, 4pm)

At the 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine (University of Manchester, July 21-28, 2013), Andrea Sella—professor of chemistry at UCL—will demonstrate some of the strange properties of plain, everyday water ice.

To learn more about this SHAC-sponsored event, download the flyer here. For further information, do not hesitate to contact Dr Anna Marie Roos, Honorary Secretary of SHAC.

[Archived] Chemical Intelligence no. 9 is Out

The May issue of our Newsletter Chemical Intelligence is now out! Download it here or go to our Chemical Intelligence page. Now under the new editorship of Dr Jo Hedesan, with the assistance of Ignacio Suay Matallana, it features a new layout style and plenty of detail on the upcoming summer meetings in the field. Highlights include:

  • Call for Papers for the 4th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop ‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Context’
  • ‘Chemistry and Their Books’ SHAC Autumn Meeting Line-up
  • James Crawford Tercentenary Conference at the University of Edinburgh
  • New Ambix Special Issue on Sites of Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century
  • SHAC-Sponsored ICHSTM Symposium Programme
  • Sites of 20th Century Chemistry Details  and International Conference on the History of Chemistry Programme
  • New President and CEO of CHF, Carsten Reinhardt, member of SHAC and of the editorial board of Ambix

The Editor welcomes any comments or suggestions for upcoming issues at georgianahedesan@yahoo.com.

[Archived] Call for Papers: ‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Context’, 4th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop

Every year, the SHAC Graduate Network organises an international workshop to provide training on research skills and methodology for graduate students and early career researchers.  This year the theme of our workshop will be ‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Context’  and will explore the extent to which chemical knowledge has been shaped by its social, economic, religious and cultural contexts, across a range of historical periods – from medieval alchemy to the chemical industry. The meeting will take place on the 26 October 2013 at the Keynes Library, Birkbeck, London. Our keynote speakers will be Dr Stephen Clucas, Reader in Early Modern Intellectual History, Birkbeck College, University of London, and Prof John Christie, University of Oxford and Leeds.

We would now like to invite 15-20 minute presentations on topics related to the theme in any historical period. To present, please submit an abstract of about 200 words by e-mail to the lead organiser, Jo Hedesan, georgianahedesan@yahoo.com by 30 June 2013. Presenters should be current postgraduate students or junior researchers (within 3 years of completion of the PhD).

Topics might include:

  • Alchemy and chemistry in society
  • Patronage and support
  • Impact of alchemy and chemistry on culture or society
  • Social, cultural and economic influence on alchemical and chemical theory and practice
  • Alchemy and chemistry’s interaction with other disciplines

The Workshop is free of charge. Bursaries are available towards the cost of travel and/or accommodation for accepted presenters in the first instance. For further details and other queries, please contact the lead organiser, Jo Hedesan at georgianahedesan@yahoo.com.