Two interesting exhibitions on alchemy are currently taking place or will soon take place in Germany.
Listen to the Voice of Fire – Alchemy in Sound Art
On Friday 3 March, a symposium will be held in National Library Wales exploring alchemy in sound art with divers papers and sound art performances coinciding with an exhibition of the National Library of Wales’ rare printed materials.
Lecture: ‘The Syon Abbey Herbal (before AD 1517), the last monastic herbal in Britain’, Monday 6 February 2017
International Conference: Humours, Mixtures and Corpuscles
The Centre for Medical History of the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) and the Fondazione Comel – Institutio Santoriana (Italy) are pleased to announce an International Conference on “Humours, Mixtures and Corpuscles. A Medical Path to Corpuscularism in the Seventeenth Century.”
Award Scheme Recipients
The 2016 Award Scheme Recipients are now listed here.
Air, Alchemy, Elements and Electrons: The SHAC Autumn Meeting 2016
Air, Alchemy, Elements and Electrons: The SHAC Autumn Meeting 2016
The SHAC Autumn meeting and AGM will take place at the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London on Saturday 12 November with registration from 9.30 am for a 10 am start.
New Chemical Intelligence
A new issue of Chemical Intelligence is now available. You can download it here or access it alongside all the former issues.