The SHAC’s Trustees Annual Report and Accounts for 2016 are now published online.
Please see here.
The Partington Prize 2017
The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry is delighted to announce that the 2017 Partington Prize has been awarded to Stephen T. Irish (Cambridge University) for his article “The Corundum Stone and Crystallographic Chemistry”. The essay will be published in the Society’s journal, Ambix.
2017 Oxford Seminar in the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
The 2017 Oxford Seminar in the History of Alchemy and Chemistry will take place at the Maison Francaise d’Oxford (2-10 Norham Rd, OX2 6SE) between 3pm-5pm on 3 May, 10 May, 17 May and 14 June. The seminar is free of charge, and anyone with an interest in the history of alchemy, chemistry, medicine or the sciences is invited to attend. The format is two or three papers followed by a Questions & Answers. The programme can be found below.
SHAC spring meeting – 20 May 2017
In 2017, SHAC’s journal Ambix will be eighty years old. To mark this anniversary and the contributions made by one of SHAC’s longest standing members, Bill Brock, SHAC will be holding a special meeting on Saturday 20 May 2017 at the Royal Institution to explore old and new themes in the history of chemistry. Since Ambix was launched in May 1937, sixty-three volumes have been published, and Bill was editor of the journal from 1968 to 1983.
CHF: Cain Conference – programme
The programme of the Cain Conference, organised by the Chemical Heritage Foundation, is now available. The Conference will take place at the CHF, Philadelphia, on 28-29 April.
Chemical Intelligence – New Issue
A new issue of Chemical Intelligence is now available online.
SHAC Award Scheme open for applications
The SHAC Award Scheme of 2017 is now open for applications.
The opening date is 1 March 2017
Closing date is 31 May 2017