The 12th International Conference on the History of Chemistry will be taking place in Maastricht, The Netherlands from 29th July to the 2nd August, 2019.
More information can be found here.
The 12th International Conference on the History of Chemistry will be taking place in Maastricht, The Netherlands from 29th July to the 2nd August, 2019.
More information can be found here.
Registration is now open for the next SHAC Autumn Meeting, to be held on Saturday, 24 November in London. The meeting will not cover a specific theme, but offers a varied programme of lectures, including on alchemical letters, laboratory practices, and chemistry and gender.
While SHAC members are able to enjoy all issues of Ambix online for free, our 80th anniversary issue is available free of charge throughout 2018 to non-members in celebration of the journal and society’s longevity and success. This issue includes papers by former Ambix Editor Jenny Rampling, Hasok Chang and the 2018 Partington Prize winning paper of Steve Irish. Please feel free to share the link below with friends and colleagues who may be interested in reading this special anniversary issue.
The SHAC autumn meeting for 2018 is being arranged for Saturday 24 November at UCL. The meeting will not address any particular theme but will consist of a succession of papers on topics appropriate to the Society’s interests.
The Royal Society now offers the Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme, named in memory of the eminent British historian professor Lisa Jardine CBE FRS.
On 29 June, 2018, the 9th annual SHAC graduate workshop will be held at the Royal Institution, London.
From May 31 until 2 June 2018, a conference will take place in Salzburg on “The Forgotten Reformation, 1524-1624.”
The conference concentrates on ideas of reform, but might be relevant to some members. Topics include Paracelsus and (anti-)Paracelsianism, Valentin Weigel and Jacob Böhme. Organisers are Andrew Weeks, Bo Andersson and Urs Leo Gantenbein.
More information can be found here.