Applications are invited for an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award PhD studentship at University College London and the Royal Society on the funding of science in London in the period 1660-1760, using materials within the Royal Society’s archives. The student will be based at the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at UCL, and will start in September 2020. The named supervisors for this project are: Simon Werrett (STS, UCL) and Keith Moore (Royal Society).
For this project the student will use the little-examined financial and property records of the Royal Society to explore the material and financial culture of science in London between 1660 and 1760. This will allow the student to contemplate the Society’s ground-level domestic history, from founder gatherings at Fellows’ houses, to the institutional residence at Gresham College (1660-1710), the stately home of Arundel House (1666-1673) and to the private houses at Crane Court (1710-1778). Apart from the doctorate itself, it is hoped that the studentship will make a genuine contribution to the digital humanities: potentially, by digital rendering of manuscripts, training the student on managing the disparate elements (scanning, metadata) to make the archives concerned widely available online; or, more excitingly, to use the archival data in the recreation one of the Society’s historical interiors.
Applicants are expected to hold a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university, an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, or equivalent professional experience.
The studentship is part of the Collaborative Doctoral Programme, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through a consortium including the Science Museum Group. Studentships are fully funded for 45 months (3.75 years) with potential to be extended for another 3 months. 3 to 6 months of the funded period should be spent on professional development and not on research for the thesis.
The doctoral training grant provides a living stipend and tuition fees at UKRI rates and is subject to standard AHRC eligibility, rules, and guidance for the research students whom they fund and support. AHRC’s minimum stipend rate and indicative fees rate for 2020/21 are detailed on the UKRI website (
The major features of CDP awards are to enable collaboration between a Higher Education Institution and a museum, library, archive, or heritage organisation (in this case UCL and the Royal Society); and to enable the student to acquire new skills within a research-led, professional environment. There is the potential for an additional doctoral training grant, subject to standard AHRC eligibility, rules, and guidance for the research students whom they fund and support. This studentship also offers research expenses (including some support for travel from the Royal Society), digital humanities and other training, and working space at the institutions.
Informal inquiries are welcome. Please contact Prof. Simon Werrett if you have further questions.
Applicants should send: i) a CV and ii) a statement of interest (maximum 2 pages) by email to Professor Simon Werrett ( by May 15th 2020. 17:00 GMT
Interview for the studentship will take place on 29 MAY 2020.
More info can be found here.
Conference 5 March: Celebrating Women in History, Science and the Arts
On Thursday 5 March, the Apothecaries’ Hall organises a conference on women in history, science and art.
Speakers include; Briony Hudson, Frances Reed, Dr Catherine James, Dr Amy Erickson, Maria Thomas, Sybil H. Mair, Nidhi Gupta, Bev Thomas, Jo Durrant, Dr Jackie Bell, Natasha McEnroe, Professor Jane Anderson.
More information can be found here.
Job at Science History Institute: assistant director
The Science History Institute is recruiting for the full-time position of Assistant Director, Center for Historical Research. The Assistant Director will collaborate with the Director of the Center for Historical Research to administer the international fellowship program of the Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry; maintain local, national and international contacts and collaborations; organize scholarly workshops, symposia and conferences; and draft grant proposals. The Assistant Director will also oversee communications with the Beckman Center alumni network; conduct research projects in the history of the modern physical or biological sciences, broadly construed, that make use of the Institute’s collections; and develop the historical research culture of the Institute, building an international reputation in the process.
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- Doctoral degree.
- Research expertise in the history of modern physical or biological science/technology.
- Demonstrated experience in the field of research, to include evidence of scholarly achievement, preferably through peer-reviewed publications.
- Demonstrated record of success in their ability to work collaboratively as well as independently, in research and administrative roles.
- Superior research skills, including qualitative data analysis and archival research.
- Demonstrated organizational aptitude and ability to prioritize multiple projects.
- High level of scientific and technical literacy, curiosity and aptitude.
- Strong oral and written communication skills.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
- Ability to attend evening and occasional weekend events.
- Ability to travel domestically and internationally.
Candidates must be legally authorized to work in the United States without sponsorship.
To be considered for this position, please send cover letter, CV/resume, a recent publication, and the contact information for 3 professional references to:
Assistantdircfhr [AT]
Deadline for Applications is: Saturday, March 7, 2020
- Science History Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer –
About the Organization
The Science History Institute collects and shares the stories of innovators and of discoveries that shape our lives. We preserve and interpret the history of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences. Headquartered in Philadelphia, with offices in California and Europe, the Institute houses an archive and a library for historians and researchers, a fellowship program for visiting scholars from around the globe, a community of researchers who examine historical and contemporary issues, an acclaimed museum that is free and open to the public, and a state-of-the art conference center. For more information, visit
Conference: Women and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe
On Friday, 20 March, the University Library in Leiden (Netherlands) organises a one-day conference on “Women and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe.”
More information and the programme can be found here.
To attend the conference, please send an e-mail to Sajed Chowdhury (s.a.chowdhury [AT] by 28 February.
Out now: Winter Issue Chemical Intelligence!
The latest issue of Chemical Intelligence is now available! It includes lots of information on upcoming events organised by the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry and by other organisations (including two on women and chemistry!); announces the opening of the Award Scheme for New Scholars and for various organisational activities; and contains many reports about past SHAC meetings. You can download the latest issue here.
Women in their Element
Tuesday 11 February 2020, Knowledge Centre, British Library, 13.00 to 17.00
SHAC is supporting a British Library and World Scientific Publishing Company Event, Women in their Element, which is part of the WISE Festival, celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
The co-editors and contributors of the recently published Women in Their Element provide a fresh perspective on the unsung contributors to science in this half-day seminar on women and the Periodic Table.
Published in the International Year of the Periodic Table, 2019, Women in their Element offers an original viewpoint on the history of the Periodic Table: a collective volume with short illustrated papers on women and their contributions to the building and the understanding of the periodic table and of the elements themselves. Edited by Annette Lykknes and Brigitte Van Tiggelen, this book will help make historical women chemists more visible, as well as shed light on the multifaceted character of the work on the chemical elements and their periodic relationships.
For further details and information on how to book a British Library event please visit the British Library website here.
Chemical Intelligence July 2019
The new Issue of Chemical Intelligence, the first one edited by our new CI-editor Karoliina Pulkkinen, is now online! It includes reports of conferences and awards, information about the Partington Prize and upcoming conferences, and more! The issue can be downloaded here.