Oxford Seminar in the History of Alchemy and Chemistry 2024

The Oxford Seminar this year will be running three sessions, each consisting of two papers.
The session dates and times are Weds May 22nd, May 29th, and June 5th 3pm-5pm, Salon at the Maison Française d’Oxford, Norham Rd, Oxford.
Each session has two speakers, who will deliver papers of 30-40 minutes, leaving 20-30
minutes for questions and discussion.

WEDS MAY 22ND: Substance and Identity: Histoires Petites et Grandes
John R.R. Christie (Oxford): ‘A salt sui generis’: Chemical Analyses of Scarborough Spa Waters, 1734
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Paris): Why a Biography of Carbon?

WEDS MAY 29th: Meissen Coloration and Pacific Chemical Medicine
Nicholas Zumbulyadis (Delaware): Chymistry and Art at the Cusp of the 17th and 18th
Mariana Sanchez (Paris): Distillation in the Phillipines in the 18th century

WEDS JUNE 5th: Acquiring science in early 19th century York: the diary of Jane Ewbank
Rachel Feldberg (York): From Crocodiles to the Structure of the Universe: Jane Ewbank’s shifting engagement with the Natural World
Matthew Eddy (Durham): Jane Ewbank and Experimental Philosophy: Public Lectures in late Georgian Yorkshire

Programme Organizers: Jo Hedesan (georgiana.hedesan@hist.ox.ac.uk); John Christie (jrrc_@hotmail.com)

The Oxford Seminar is sponsored and supported by The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry and by the Maison Française d’Oxford.