Spring Meeting 2016: High Pressure in the Interwar Period (11 February 2016)

Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry: Spring Meeting 2016

To be followed by the Morris Award lecture and reception


Thursday, 11 February 2016

Location: Dana Research Centre and Library, 165 Queens Gate, London SW7 5HD

(10 minutes’ walk from South Kensington or Gloucester Road underground stations)

NB: the new research centre is part of the Science Museum, but can only be accessed from Queens Gate, not the main museum entrance. It is just beyond the Natural History Museum’s Darwin Centre.

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[Archived] Programme and Registration: “Alchemy and Chemistry in Sickness and in Health” (30 October)

Hosted by the Maison Française d’Oxford and convened by the SHAC student representatives, the 6th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop will take place on 30 October. The finalized programme is now available in two versions: click for either the elaborate or the plain version, respectively. A poster for the event, including a call for registrations with a deadline of 15 October is also available.

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[Archived] Autumn Meeting: ‘Chemistry and Its Audiences’

The SHAC Autumn meeting Chemistry and Its Audiences will be held on Saturday, 14 November 2015, at the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4BS.

Papers will be presented on Audiences for Science Communication in the 21st Century; Humphry Davy’s Audience; Audiences for Chemistry in 18th Century Paris; Facts or Fantasies in the Lecture Theatre; and Familiar Chemistry and its Family Audiences. There will also be a tour of the Royal Institution led by Frank James and presentation of the SHAC Prize for the best history of chemistry Oxford Part II thesis, 2015 to Ms Mahnoor Naeem, Keble College, for her thesis William Hume-Rothery’s contribution to the science of metallurgy.

The registration fee for the meeting, including a sandwich lunch and refreshments, is £15 for SHAC members and £20 for non-members.

The SHAC AGM will also be held during the meeting and further details of this will be circulated in due course.

A registration form can be downloaded here.

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[Archived] 6th Postgraduate Workshop: Deadline for Submissions Extended

In view of the summer and holiday season, the deadline for submissions to present a paper at Alchemy and Chemistry in Sickness and in Health: 6th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop has been extended until 30 July.

It is with great pleasure that we are now in a position to announce our keynote speakers:

Prof. Robert J. Flanagan (King’s College Hospital)

Dr Stephen Pumfrey (Lancaster University)

Their unique perspectives on the topic will no doubt greatly enhance this year’s workshop and generate stimulating discussions.

To download an updated version of the call for papers, please click here and do feel free to encourage your colleagues and/or students to submit proposals.

[Archived] Call for Papers: ‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Sickness and in Health’ (6th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop)

Call for Papers | Alchemy and Chemistry in Sickness and in Health

6th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop

Maison Française, University of Oxford (Friday, 30 October 2015)

This year the annual postgraduate workshop of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) will take place in the UK, at the Maison Française, Oxford. The workshop offers postgraduate students and early-career researchers the opportunity to share ideas, explore methodological issues and network in a stimulating atmosphere. There will also be the chance to hear papers from, and ask questions of, two keynote speakers. Continue reading