HIST Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Chemistry: Call for Nominations

The Division of the History of Chemistry (HIST) of the American Chemical Society solicits nominations for the 2015 HIST Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Chemistry.

This award, formerly known as the Dexter Award and then the Edelstein Award, continues a tradition started in 1956.

The deadline for nominations is Dec. 31, 2014.  For more information see: http://www.scs.illinois.edu/~mainzv/HIST/awards/nomination2015-hist_award.php

[Archived] 2013-2014 Rumford Scholarship

The Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) and the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) are pleased to invite applications for the 2013-2014 Rumford Scholarship. This annual award will enable a North American scholar to travel to Europe in order to undertake original research in the history of chemistry or alchemy in libraries/archives/museum collections using their particular resources. The award may be held in any European country. The value of the award is £2300. Applications are due April 7, 2013. For more information or an application, please go to: