New Website Content Editor

It is with pleasure that I am able to announce that Lyke de Vries (PhD candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen) will take over my duties in maintaining the content of this website. Please address any information on events or other relevant matters you would like to see advertised here to her at contenteditor [AT]

The Council and SHAC as a whole are very grateful for her willingness to step forward in this regard, and we wish her all the best for her work in keeping the website up to date as well as for her PhD research.

Postdoc in the history of 18th c. medicine at the University of Groningen

Application deadline: 14 February 2016

The Center of Historical Studies, Faculty of Arts, welcomes applications for an 18 month postdoc position (0.7 fte) to conduct research in the history of Boerhaavian medicine in the eighteenth century. The postdoc project is embedded in the NWO Vidi project “Vital Matters. Boerhaave’s Chemico-Medical Legacy and Dutch Enlightenment Culture”, supervised by Dr Rina Knoeff.

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