[Archived] Autumn Meeting: ‘Chemistry and Its Audiences’

The SHAC Autumn meeting Chemistry and Its Audiences will be held on Saturday, 14 November 2015, at the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4BS.

Papers will be presented on Audiences for Science Communication in the 21st Century; Humphry Davy’s Audience; Audiences for Chemistry in 18th Century Paris; Facts or Fantasies in the Lecture Theatre; and Familiar Chemistry and its Family Audiences. There will also be a tour of the Royal Institution led by Frank James and presentation of the SHAC Prize for the best history of chemistry Oxford Part II thesis, 2015 to Ms Mahnoor Naeem, Keble College, for her thesis William Hume-Rothery’s contribution to the science of metallurgy.

The registration fee for the meeting, including a sandwich lunch and refreshments, is £15 for SHAC members and £20 for non-members.

The SHAC AGM will also be held during the meeting and further details of this will be circulated in due course.

A registration form can be downloaded here.


10.30: Registration

11.00: Welcome and introduction

11.10: Oliver Marsh (University College London): ‘Who are the Audiences for Science Communication in the Twenty-First Century?’

11.50: Hattie Lloyd (University College London): ‘Press Cuttings and Personal Accounts: How to build a picture of Humphry Davy’s audience’

12.30: SHAC AGM

1.00: Lunch (a sandwich lunch will be provided)

2.00: Tour of the Royal Institution led by Frank James

2.40: Robert Anderson (Clare Hall, Cambridge): ‘Facts or Fantasies in the Lecture Theatre?’

3.20: John Perkins (Oxford Brookes University): ‘The Audiences for Chemistry in 18th-century Paris’

4.00: Award of the SHAC Prize for the best history of chemistry Oxford Part II thesis, 2015. Recipient: Ms Mahnoor Naeem (Keble College), for her thesis William Hume-Rothery’s contribution to the science of metallurgy.

Followed by tea and coffee

4.30: Melanie Keene (Homerton College, Cambridge): ‘Familiar Chemistry and its Family Audiences’

5.10: Meeting ends