Apply for 2023 SHAC Award Schemes!

SHAC Special ICHC13 Award Scheme – Grants to support attendance at ICHC13 in Vilnius, May 2023

Applicants are invited to apply for grants under a Special Award Scheme from the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) to support attendance of early-career scholars and independent scholars at the 13th International Conference on the History of Chemistry in Vilnius, Lithuania on 23 May to 27 May 2023. Awards of up to £400 will be made as a contribution towards the cost of travel, accommodation, and registration fees for those giving a paper at the conference. Early-career scholars are defined as post-graduate students (both masters and doctoral students) and those who have obtained a PhD since January 2013. Given that the circumstances of independent scholars differ we are letting members ‘self-define’ and if there are any unclear cases it will be left to the discretion of the Awards Panel.

Applicants must be members of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry in good standing at the time of making an application and if successful through the period of the award. For more information and application forms please contact grants[at] stating that you are applying for a grant to attend ICHC.

Details of how to join the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry can be found at . Membership enquiries should be made to newjoiner[at]

For further information on the conference – please visit:

The timescale for ICHC in Vilnius is as follows:

Deadline for submitting proposals: 1 December 2022

Notification of acceptance: January 2023

Provisional program: Early February 2023

Final program: April 2023

The deadline for applications to this Award Scheme is 28 February 2023. It is expected that applicants to will be advised of the outcome of their application in time to register for early-bird conference fees which are available until 1 April 2023.

An activity report must be submitted at the end of the conference. This will usually be published in SHAC’s Chemical Intelligence Newsletter.

Please note that applying for a Special ICHC13 Award does not preclude applying to the usual SHAC Award Scheme for 2023.

The SHAC 2023 Award Scheme will open on 1 March 2023 and close on 31 May 2023, with two types of award:

Research Awards: open to post-graduate students (both masters and doctoral students), those who have obtained a PhD within ten years of the preceding January and also to independent scholars. These awards are to support research.

Subject Development Awards: to support activities such as seminars, workshops, colloquia, lecture series, conference sessions, conferences, exhibitions and outreach activities that support either the history of chemistry or history of alchemy as academic subjects.