SHAC Postgraduate and Early Career Workshop Agenda (January 2025)

Alchemy and Chemistry as Vessels for Cultural Discourse

Online / New Seminar Room (St John’s College, University of Oxford)

14th January 2025

For those attending in person, please meet at the St John’s College lodge at 8:30.

If you wish to attend in person, please email Josh Werrett at studentrep[at]

Zoom details will be released closer to the time of the event.

Welcome: 9:00 – 9:05

Session 1: 9:05 – 10:20

  • Josh Werrett, University of Oxford / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Baptism and the Reborn Body: Zosimos’ Alchemy in a Pre-Nicene Context

  • Paulina Gennerman, Marburg University

The Complex Shades of ‘Drug’: Psychoactive Substances as Part of Cultural and Social Discourse

  • Lea Elisabeth Hinterholzer, Georg-August-University

John of Teschen’s Lumen Secretorum: Poetry Inside or Outside the Laboratory?

Break: 10:20 – 10:35

Session 2: 10:35 – 12:15

  • Brian Li, University of Cambridge

The Material and Moral Cultures of Living Alchemy in the Paracelsan Tradition

  • Ellen Hausner, University of Oxford

Comprehending Characters: Keys to Abstract Notations in Early Modern Alchemical Texts

  • Elena Morgana, University of Oxford

From Elixir to Alkahest: The Evolution of a Panacea in the Kingdom of Naples, 1620-1670.

  • Sergei Zotov, University of Warwick

Vomiting the Sea of Blood: Unique Image Series in CG Jung’s Alchemical Manuscripts

Lunch: 12:15 – 13:15

Session 3: 13:15 – 14:30

  • Johannes Chan, York University

Bounded Life and Imperial Metabolisms: The Mechanics of Mills and Labouring Bodies

  • Sajdeep Soomal, University of Toronto

The Looping Effects of Settler Colonialism: Agrarian Expansion in the Canadian North-West and the Chemical Utilization of Industrial Waste, 1874-1910

  • Silvia Perez Criado, University of Valencia

From Laboratory to Society: DDT and Public Health in Franco’s Spain

Break: 14:30 – 14:45

Session 4: 14:45 – 16:00

  • Christopher Halm, Deutsches Museum Munich

Seeking Refuge in Earth’s Deepest Time: Cosmochemistry and How to Escape the Tragedies of World War II

  • Robert Slinn, University of York

Vocational Education and Training in the British Chemical Industry, 1945-1995

  • Sofiya Kamalova Rogova, University of Valencia

Tracing Toxicity: The Chemical Product Cycle in the Ardystil Case

Break: 16:00 – 16:15

Session 5 (Keynote): 16:15 – 16:45

  • Justin Sledge (Esoterica) – Title TBC

Closing Remarks: 16:45 – 17:00

Post-conference drinks for those attending in Oxford.