SHAC Spring Meeting 2019

Matter, Ideas and Nature:  A Conference in Memory of David Marcus Knight

Durham University, 14-15 June 2019

SHAC’s spring meeting is being organised jointly with Durham University’s Department of Philosophy and will take place at Durham University’s Business School on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 June 2019.

The registration fee for the meeting will be £20.

Please visit the following link to book a place at the conference


10:00 Introduction
Matthew Eddy and Robin Hendry
10:30 David Marcus Knight (1936-2018): An Appreciation
Prof William H. Brock (Leicester University)
11:30 Voyaging in Strange Seas: Science and Storytelling
Ms Sarah Day (Journalist and Novelist)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Whitehead and Wells on the ‘Invention of Invention’
Prof Peter Bowler (Queens University Belfast)
14:30 Young Wallace: New light on the globe-trotting land-surveyor to whom Darwin wrote ‘May all your theories succeed’
Prof Jim Moore (Open University)
15:30 Break
16:00 Beyond the Exotic Anomaly: The European Reception of the
Dr Sophie Forgan (Linnean Society of London)
17:00 Trust in Science 
Prof Nancy Cartwright (Durham University)
18:00 End
19:30 Conference Dinner


10:00 Trust in Chemistry Prof Robin Hendry (Durham University)
11:00 The Very Young Humphry Davy 
Prof Frank A. J. L. James (University College London and the Royal Institution)
12:00 Lunch  
13:00 The Life of Thomas Garnett
Prof Robert Fox (Oxford University)
14:00 Rethinking Joseph Black’s Matter Theory
Prof Matthew Daniel Eddy (Durham University)
15:00 Closing Remarks
Matthew Eddy and Robin Hendry
15:30 End