[Archived] Programme and Registration: “Alchemy and Chemistry in Sickness and in Health” (30 October)

Hosted by the Maison Française d’Oxford and convened by the SHAC student representatives, the 6th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop will take place on 30 October. The finalized programme is now available in two versions: click for either the elaborate or the plain version, respectively. A poster for the event, including a call for registrations with a deadline of 15 October is also available.

Alchemy and Chemistry in Sickness and in Health: 6th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop

Friday, 30 October 2015, 9:45 am–5:30 pm, Maison Française, 2–10 Norham Road, Oxford, OX2 6SE.

09:45    Registration
10:15    Welcome and Introduction
10:30    Chemistry Panel
Dr Elena Serrano (independent researcher)
Against Political and Health Hazards: Guyton’s Fumigating Machine in Spain during the Napoleonic Era
Catherine Rushmore (Oxford Brookes)
Manufacturing, Using and Regulating Chemicals for Domestic Purposes in the Mid-Twentieth Century: The Impact on Health and Well-Being
11:30    Coffee Break
12:00    Keynote Lecture
Prof. Robert J. Flanagan (King’s College)
Schizophrenia from Chlorpromazine to Clozapine: There Is No Gain without Pain
13:00    Lunch
14:00    Alchemy Panel
Lyke de Vries (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Paracelsus and Roman Censorship: A Discussion of Johannes Faber’s Report on Paracelsus (1616)
Elisabeth Moreau (Université Libre de Bruxelles/Radboud U. Nijmegen)
The Chymical Nature of the Vital Principle in Late Renaissance Medicine
Curtis Runstedler (Durham)
Alchemy, Morality, and Healthy Living in John Gower’s Confessio Amantis
15:30    Coffee Break
16:00    Keynote Lecture
Dr Stephen Pumfrey (Lancaster) with Paul Ashcroft (Lancaster)
Corpus Linguistics and Discourses of Early-Modern Alchemy, Chymistry and Chemistry (title tbc)
17:00    Concluding Discussion
17:30    End

This workshop, including lunch and refreshments, is free, but the number of participants is limited. Please register by 15 October 2015, emailing Judith Mawer (Goldsmiths, London) at ukstudentrep [AT] ambix.org.

A limited number of travel bursaries are available to participants, upon application to Mike A. Zuber (Amsterdam), intstudentrep [AT] ambix.org.

For any additional information, please contact Judith Mawer and Mike A. Zuber: studentrep [AT] ambix.org.