[Archived] Chemical Intelligence no. 9 is Out

The May issue of our Newsletter Chemical Intelligence is now out! Download it here or go to our Chemical Intelligence page. Now under the new editorship of Dr Jo Hedesan, with the assistance of Ignacio Suay Matallana, it features a new layout style and plenty of detail on the upcoming summer meetings in the field. Highlights include:

  • Call for Papers for the 4th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop ‘Alchemy and Chemistry in Context’
  • ‘Chemistry and Their Books’ SHAC Autumn Meeting Line-up
  • James Crawford Tercentenary Conference at the University of Edinburgh
  • New Ambix Special Issue on Sites of Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century
  • SHAC-Sponsored ICHSTM Symposium Programme
  • Sites of 20th Century Chemistry Details  and International Conference on the History of Chemistry Programme
  • New President and CEO of CHF, Carsten Reinhardt, member of SHAC and of the editorial board of Ambix

The Editor welcomes any comments or suggestions for upcoming issues at georgianahedesan@yahoo.com.