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Welcome to the Website of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC), publisher of the scholarly journal Ambix.

Founded in 1935, SHAC has consistently maintained the highest standards of scholarship in all aspects of the history of alchemy and chemistry from early times to the present. The Society has a wide international membership from over thirty countries.

We hold meetings and webinars, offer scholarly prizes and grants, and publish the journal Ambix. The Society’s newsletter, Chemical Intelligence, is published twice a year. We have also established the Graduate Network to bring together postgraduate students in the field.

Keep up to date with the news and events of SHAC by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

You can watch our SHAC Online Seminars on YouTube here.

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The Partington Prize 2026

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry established the Partington Prize in memory of Professor James Riddick Partington, the Society’s first Chairman. It is awarded every three years for an original and unpublished essay on any aspect of the history of alchemy or chemistry. The prize consists of five hundred pounds (£500) if awarded to a single essay. Alternatively, it may be divided, or not awarded at all.

The competition is open to anyone with a scholarly interest in the history of alchemy or chemistry who, by the closing date of 31 December 2025, has not reached 35 years of age, or if older is currently enrolled in a degree programme or has been awarded a master’s degree or PhD within the previous three years. No restriction is placed on the nationality or country of residence of competitors. Only one entry is permitted from any competitor.

The prize-winning essay will be published exclusively in the Society’s journal, Ambix. It must not have been submitted to any journal, including Ambix, at any time before 30 April 2026.

Essays must be submitted in English. Essays must be fully documented using the conventions used in the current issue of Ambix and include an abstract of no more than 200 words. Essays must not exceed 10,000 words in length, including the abstract, references and footnotes.

All entries should be sent to prizes@ambix.org in the form of two separate e-mail attachments in Microsoft Office Word (preferably 2013 or later). The first attachment should be headed “Partington Prize Entry 2026” and should give the author’s name, institution, postal address, e-mail address, date of birth (and, if relevant, the date of the award of the master’s degree or PhD), the title of the essay, and the word count. The second attachment should be the essay, which should not identify the author either by name or implicitly.

Entries must arrive before midnight GMT on 31 December 2025. The decision of the Society will be final on all matters. The result of the competition will be announced by 30 April 2026.

For more information, see https://www.ambix.org/partington-prize/

March 2025 News

The next on line seminar will be on Thursday, 27 March 2025

The next on-line seminar of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry will be given by Dr Christopher Halm (Deutsches Museum, Munich) who will present:

Escaping Earth, Sustaining the Moon: The ‘Chemistry’ Behind Public Narratives of Lunar Habitation and Cosmic Age
This will be live on Thursday, 27 March 2025, beginning at 5.00pm (London time). The format will be a talk of 20-30 minutes, followed by a moderated discussion of half an hour.
As with recent seminars the Zoom link can be freely accessed by anyone, member of SHAC or not, by booking through the following Ticket Source link:


 The seminar will be also accessible live on YouTube at

Most previous on-line seminars can be found on the SHAC YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/SocietyforHistoryofAlchemyandChemistry

Escaping Earth, Sustaining the Moon: The ‘Chemistry’ Behind Public Narratives of Lunar Habitation and Cosmic Age 

Christopher Halm

Recent space programmes, particularly NASA’s Artemis initiative, present space travel and lunar habitation in ecological terms, emphasising sustainability and resource efficiency. Yet this rhetoric obscures a deeper historical trajectory.

This talk explores how lunar exploration narratives—rooted in museological practices, Cold War geopolitics, and the public presentation of moon rockresearch—have constructed the Moon as both a spatial and temporal escape from earthly crises. Focusing on museum displays and the scientific use of lunar samples, I argue that moon rocks have served as instruments for advancing and disseminating narratives of civilisational progress. In this context, the Apollo programme offered a redemptive vision—an escape from the destruction, division, and psychological rupture of the Second World War into the pristine, unclaimed realm of the Moon. Space exhibitions, such as those in Bonn’s Haus der Geschichte, and research institutions like the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz have reinforced a narrative of spatial and temporal transcendence, framing moon rocks as heralds of a new era.

By tracing the political and scientific representations of moon rocks, this talk examines how the Moon has been enlisted in broader efforts to reframe human history, resolve cross-cultural traumas, and establish new frontiers of political and technological legitimacy.

Chemical Intelligence

The winter edition of Chemical Intelligence is now available on the SHAC web site on either of these links:

Best wishes

Rob Johnstone

On behalf of Frank James

SHAC Spring Meeting 29th March in person at UCL

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) is holding its Spring Meeting, which will also mark its 90th Anniversary, in person on Saturday 29 March 2025 at University College London (LG04, 26 Bedford Way).

The meeting will be on The Biographies of Alchemists and Chemists and registration, which costs  £18.50, is now available  via this TicketSource link:



10.00Frank James (UCL)Opening remarks
10.15Laurence Chen (UCL)Mercurial self-fashioning: mythological (auto)biographies in Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum
10.45Sergei Zotov (Warwick)Visual Biographies: Portraits and Monuments in Early Modern Alchemical Manuscripts
11.15Charlotte Abney Salomon (SHI)J.G. Gahn, in the Words of Others
11.45Anna Simmons (UCL) “The perspicuity of style, and the proprietary of expression”: Lectures, Laboratories and William Thomas Brande (1788-1866)
12.15Lunch, not provided but some will be heading to the Wellcome café 
2.00Jenny Wilson (UCL)Campaigning for peace: The work of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale FRS (1903-1971)
2.30Annette Lykknes (NTNU, Trondheim)Clusters of women in laboratories or institutes of technology: Reflections on prosopographical approaches to the history of (women in) chemistry
3.30Carsten Reinhardt (Bielefeld)Autobiographies of Chemists: The Lives in Chemistry Series
4.00Judith Kaplan (SHI)Who are the Biographers? Reflections on Problem Choice and Personal Investment
4.30Roundtable for reminiscences to mark the 90th anniversary of SHAC with a glass of wineParticipants will include Gerrylynn Roberts, John Brooke, Robert Anderson and Peter Morris
5.30End of meeting 

We look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards

Rob Johnstone

Hon Treasurer.

2025 Joseph B. Lambert HIST Award for Prof. Seth C. Rasmussen

The recipient of the 2025 Joseph B. Lambert HIST Award of the Division of the History of Chemistry (HIST) of the American Chemical Society is Seth C. Rasmussen.  Professor Rasmussen is a member of the faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. 

The HIST Award is for outstanding achievement in the history of chemistry and is international in scope. This award is the successor to the Dexter Award (1956-2001) and the Sydney M. Edelstein Award (2002-2009), also administered by HIST. The HIST Award consists of an engraved plaque and a check for $1500 and will be presented to Professor Rasmussen at the fall national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Washington, DC, in August 2025.

Additional information about the award can be found on the HIST website at http://acshist.scs.illinois.edu/awards/hist_award.php

Vera V. Mainz, Sec/Treas HIST Division (American Chemical Society)

HIST Award Biography for Seth C. Rasmussen (1966-)

The winner of the Joseph B. Lambert HIST Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Chemistry for 2025 is Seth C. Rasmussen for his historical scholarship and revolutionary efforts to create a vibrant worldwide community of historians of chemistry.

A casual perusal of Professor Rasmussen’s CV would reveal a typical academic chemical trajectory. He was raised in Washington State and received his B.S. in Chemistry from Washington State University in 1990. He ventured East to Clemson University to further advance his craft of synthetic chemistry with John Peterson and obtained his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry in 1994.  He returned to the West at the University of Oregon as a Postdoctoral Fellow with James Hutchinson, where he developed expertise in semiconducting organic polymers and stayed on at Oregon as an Instructor of organic chemistry.  He joined North Dakota State University at Fargo in 1999 and is now Professor of Chemistry (2012). He spent his first sabbatical leave (2018) in Australia as a Fulbright Senior Scholar with the Centre for Organic Electronics in Newcastle.  He is very active in the Divisions of the ACS that deal with polymers, and with his local Section.

Seth became active in HIST sometime around 2001, particularly after a chance meeting during a graduate school recruiting visit at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. His Host was David Lewis (the 2018 winner of the HIST Award), and after spending most of dinner discussing the history of chemistry, they became fast friends and have blessed HIST ever since.  After a flurry of both individual talks and the organization of symposia, Seth was recruited to be the Program Chair of HIST (2008-2017). In this role, he stimulated great symposia, recruited an international array of speakers, and placed HIST firmly in the international community of the history of chemistry. Naturally, he went on to serve as HIST Chair for 2021-2022. 

Another fortuitous event occurred in 2010 at the San Francisco ACS Meeting.  Springer was hosting a social event at a local microbrewery, where Seth met Springer Editor Elizabeth Hawkins. While discussing the publication of books and journals in chemistry, the topic turned to history. This ultimately led to an invitation to help launch a new series, Springer Briefs in the History of Chemistry.  In addition to his own three contributions to this series, he has edited 21 others from its inception in 2011 to 2025.  Based on the success of this series, a second longer-form series, Perspectives on the History of Chemistry, was founded in 2019; 8 titles have since been published or are in press.  Seth continues to serve as Series Editor for both series and these additions to the venues for publications in the history of chemistry are entirely due to his efforts.

Seth Rasmussen is now uniformly respected in the worldwide community of the history of chemistry.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the American Chemical Society, and was one of the second cohort of HIST Fellows. He serves on editorial and advisory boards of journals and represents HIST on various international bodies in the history of chemistry. 

In addition to all Seth’s “administrative” accomplishments, he has made major contributions to the understanding of the history of chemistry.  One of his areas of specialization is the history of glass.  There were glasses on earth long before there were humans.  Some of this material arrived from other regions of the universe.  Seth presented the early history of these materials in his highly popular monograph: How Glass Changed the World (2012).  The success of this work has led to an expanded and revised edition to be released later this year. He is now recognized worldwide as an important scholar of early silica glass.

Another of Seth’s areas of personal interest is ethanol.  It has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. His wide-ranging monograph, The Quest for Aqua Vitae (2014), can be viewed as required reading for anyone interested in this subject and was recognized with a Gourmand Award for the Best Drinks History Book published in Germany for 2014.

In addition to his work in the history of chemistry, Seth is a scientific leader in the field of conjugated organic polymers (semiconducting polymers capable of conductivities rivaling metals).  Thus, it is no surprise that he began contributing to the history of this field as well, becoming the first to fully document the history of these materials back to 1834. This combination of technical expertise and historical analysis characterizes all of Seth’s work.  His first monograph in this area is Acetylene and its Polymers: 150+ Years of History (2018). This was followed with a technical book on the chemistry of these materials in 2013 (which also included a bit of history) and a much more substantial history monograph The Origins and Early History of Conjugated Organic Polymers: Organic Semiconductors, Synthetic Metals, and the Prehistory of Organic Electronics (2025) is currently in production at Oxford University Press.

HIST is proud to award its Joseph B. Lambert HIST Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of Chemistry to one of its own rising stars, Seth C. Rasmussen.

90th Anniversary Meeting (Spring 2025)

SHAC is holding the SHAC Spring Meeting 2025  and it marks the Society’s 90th Anniversary,

It will be held “in person” on Saturday 29 March 2025 at University College London (LG04, 26 Bedford Way) on the subject of:

Biographies of Alchemists and Chemists

Registration costs  £18.50 and is now available  via this TicketSource link:


The schedule for the meeting, showing the list of excellent speakers, is shown below:

10.00Frank James (UCL)Opening remarks
10.15Laurence Chen (UCL)Mercurial self-fashioning: mythological (auto)biographies in Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum
10.45Sergei Zotov (Warwick)Visual Biographies: Portraits and Monuments in Early Modern Alchemical Manuscripts
11.15Charlotte Abney Salomon (SHI)J.G. Gahn, in the Words of Others
11.45Anna Simmons (UCL)  “The perspicuity of style, and the proprietary of expression”: Lectures, Laboratories and William Thomas Brande (1788-1866)
12.15Lunch, not provided but some will be heading to the Wellcome café 
2.00Jenny Wilson (UCL)Campaigning for peace: The work of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale FRS (1903-1971)
2.30Annette Lykknes (NTNU, Trondheim)Clusters of women in laboratories or institutes of technology: Reflections on prosopographical approaches to the history of (women in) chemistry
3.30Carsten Reinhardt (Bielefeld)Autobiographies of Chemists: The Lives in Chemistry Series
4.00Judith Kaplan (SHI)Who are the Biographers? Reflections on Problem Choice and Personal Investment
4.30Roundtable for reminiscences to mark the 90th anniversary of SHAC with a glass of wineParticipants will include Gerrylynn Roberts, John Brooke and Peter Morris
5.30End of meeting 

I look forward to seeing you there and sharing with you a glass of wine during the last item of the schedule.

Best regards

Frank James

Next online seminar: “Undecompounded bodies” in nineteenth-century chemical textbooks

The next on-line seminar of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry will be given by Dr Sarah Hijmans (Université Paris Cité) who will present:

 Not quite simple: The classification of “undecompounded bodies” in nineteenth-century chemical textbooks

This will be live on Thursday, 23 January 2025, beginning at 5.00pm GMT (6.00pm CET, 12 noon ET, 9.00am PT). The format will be a talk of 20-30 minutes, followed by a moderated discussion of half an hour.

As with recent seminars the Zoom link can be freely accessed by anyone, member of SHAC or not, by booking through the following Ticket Source link:


 The seminar will be also accessible live on YouTube at

Most previous on-line seminars can be found on the SHAC YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/SocietyforHistoryofAlchemyandChemistry

  Not quite simple: The classification of “undecompounded bodies” in nineteenth-century chemical textbooks

 Sarah Hijmans

Near the end of the eighteenth century, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier famously argued that any substance which could not be decomposed should be seen as a chemical element. Often called the “negative-empirical” criterion for elementary nature, this characterization of chemical elements remained dominant in chemical textbooks until the end of the nineteenth century. While there has been much discussion in the literature on the origins of the negative-empirical criterion, few have questioned whether this term adequately captures nineteenth-century views of chemical elements. In this talk, I will argue that the actual identification and characterization of chemical elements during the first half of the nineteenth was neither strictly based on the negative criterion of failed decomposition, nor a simple empirical fact. I will illustrate this by focusing on a group of “undecompounded bodies” and their classification in the textbooks of Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1779-1848), Louis Jacques Thenard (1777-1857) and Thomas Thomson (1773-1852). This will show a distinction that only few chemists explicitly reflected upon: on the one hand, not all undecompounded bodies were seen as simple, and on the other, not all simple bodies could be isolated in the form of undecompounded bodies.

Best regards

Rob Johnstone

Hon Treasurer, SHAC